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The earring that the mechanic wears shakes from side to side, Dogg growls with intensity as he pulls on the cloth..The feral kid walks forward as an unknown settler comes to the aid of the mechanic. The male settler bends down in an attempt to stop the dogs aggression.. 


Suddenly Max intervenes as he barges through the large group of settlers to get to his dog.. Max bends  down as he attempts to subdue the vicious beast. Settlers grab hold of Max from behind as they try to control him. Max tussles with the settlers as he shouts out, "Let go off me" as they pull at him from behind..


Max shouts out with frustration and anger as he jerks his shoulders back while placing pressure onto the dog. Max pushes back with his arms as he attempts to stop the dogs attack..Max screams out "Let him go, Let him go with extreme anger, The dog is growling very loudly and is not in the best of moods..A settler (WW) directs a sharp knive around the neck of Max,     


Max grabs the dogs head with both hands as he slowly reduces the tension, Max speaks to the dog, "It's alright, 'MATE". Dogg lurches at Max in a friendly way.. Lookout shouts loudly, "Here they come."..Max continues to keep hold of his beloved dog..


Zetta shouts from the top of a lookout tower, He has detected marauder movement and the situation has become very dangerous.. Both the (CG) and an unknown settler instantly look up at Zetta from his words..


Zetta shots out again, "Close the Gates." (Trumpets bleat) "There coming back." Pappagallo looks over to the gate, Lifts head up slightly and flits eyes from left to right. Pappagallo looks away from the gate and stand up rapidly.. Zetta points his hand over towards the outside terrain.. Flag sways in the breeze..


Max stands as he holds onto his dog, WW holds onto Max's left side shoulder for a short moment, A settler wearing a green suit runs past the tanker with a bow and arrow in hand. The assistant mechanic runs off left, Max turns anti clockwise as WW drags him off to a suitable position.. Max is still a prisoner and will be treated like one.. Zetta shouts and runs about, The feral boy stands by WW side. 


Settlers run in all directions, mayhem is ensured..The paraplegic mechanic rests on his strap hoisting seat..


Curmudgeon runs off to the left of the screen, WW physically pulls Max towards the side wall that comprises a stack of old tires..Fast trumpets are heard - 


Two pigs that are eating apples and other vegetables quickly disperse as they oink loudly..The pig furthest away runs left, and the pig closest runs right, As they run they pick up sand from the floor. A settler wearing green trousers is seen running left across the paths of the pigs..


A large hare runs for it's life having been disturbed by the commotion. The hare quickly turns right as it hides from the noise..


A settler runs left and past some chickens, This causes the chickens to cluck and quickly disperse..


An older settler awakens from his slumber as he raises his back and rapidly looks from left to right. 


The feral kid runs into his secret area that also has a large number of chickens in it..


The feral kid carries his boomerang in his right hand as he quickly drops down into a hole in the ground. The young boy ducks down head first as he disappears into the hole that travels underground..


The assistant mechanic pushes the yellow painted aluminium frame back into the compound, Zetta follows at the front of the structure.. Zetta signals with his right hand to hurry up as he eggs the assistant mechanic in..Zetta shakes his hand around and around as he shouts "come on" to the driver of the bus to close the gate..


Dogg runs out in front of the yellow bus before turning left and avoiding being driven over by the heavy vehicle..Big Rebecca is seen walking up past the bus..


The yellow school bus quickly closes up to stop any marauders from getting inside.. A settler bent down on top of the bus quickly stands and walks across the bus to the right.


A snapping sound of metal is heard as WW locks Max up with a pair of handcuffs..WW lifts up Max's right hand and places it against a steel pole. WW places the open cuff around the pole and then locks it tight using both hands.. (Sound of metal is heard) A settler runs past WW and Max traveling right across a wooden runway. WW quickly leaves Max as she makes her way to the flame thrower.. 


The camera pans up to reveal Zetta at the controls of the second flame thrower..Zetta leans back slightly as he slides the flame thrower from side to side ready for any marauders who might try there luck..A dark orange flame emits from the end of the flame thrower, 


Drum roll, high pitched trumpet sounds are heard - WW quickly steps up to the flame thrower unit, She takes hold of the weapon with both hands as she prepares for battle..


The quiet man stands up rapidly amd is also ready for a fight, The quiet man turns anti clockwise as he faces WW and the terrain from outside the compound. The quiet man steps over to his left past a collection of colourful arrows as he finds a suitable position using his bow and arrow. A loud squeaking sound is heard as WW begins to wind the flame thrower using her left hand..


The quiet man passes Max and stops a few feet away as he looks out at the approching gang of murderers and thieves. Fast and eerie violin notes are heard - Max looks up and is interested in getting a better view, Max slides his right arm up the pole which is handcuffed before looking down. Max looks back up as he pulls himself up and onto the wooden walkway..


Camera pans up and past the old tires..


A loud rumbling sound of vehicles is heard as the marauder gang approach the compound..A modified police car has it's lights flashing..(Squeaking sound is heard)


Max is motionless and silent as he stares out at the bizarre scene of chaos and mayhem. A settler stands on a tower lookout point..


Pappagallo climbs the metal gangway as he hops up a short series of steps, Pappagallo stops at the top and turns to look out and over at the approaching gang.


Pappagallo's shirt blows in the wind, Rumbling is getting louder.


Zetta is ready as he slides the flame thrower slightly right before looking down, Looks up at the incoming vehicles. A squeaking sound is heard as Zetta begins to wind his flame thrower using his left hand.. (Clockwise motion)


A settler has lit a fire stick as he prepares for a skirmish with the bandits, The camera pans up to reveal two settlers who like to play with fire. The first settler has a bow and a flame tipped arrow, He raises the bow and readies his aim. The second settler just ahead is using a fire stack attached to a chain. He swings the fire stack around in a circular motion to ward off the enemy.


(WW) A loud creaking sound is heard as (WW) rapidly winds her flame thrower up using a crank. The camera pans in to WW as she retorts at the effort..


Suddenly WW stops cranking and becomes motionless as she awaits her fate.


Earlier on Four vehicles left the compound, Unfortunately none came back.. The Lord Humungus has two victims attached to the front of his 6 wheeled truck that were caught earlier on. They have been put on show to scare the settlers and make them leave there compound.. A marauder stands above the two victims, he is called The Toadie, the crier of Humungus' gang. An unkempt, bespectacled man who wears a decorated mink stole as a hat and has many automobile badges and hood ornaments on his clothes, his behaviour toward Humungus and Wez make him a classic sycophant. Toadie takes pleasure in physically abusing helpless prisoners, but the gang has little respect for him. Another victim wearing a pink suit rests on top of a red car (Chrysler Valiant Charger 770) presumably dead.. Other gang members include The Gay berserkers and the Smegma crazies.. A victim to the left who is still alive (Broken) is shouting loudly, his next door neighbour (Defiant) is also alive..


The settler tied to Lord Humungus's truck to the left (Broken) shouts out loudly, "Hold your Fire", He comes in peace" The settler repeats these words again and again, "Hold your fire he comes in peace". "For Christ's sake, Hold your fire!" Rumbling increases - The settler to the right (defiant) does not appreciate the other settlers shouting, The settler shouts back to him, "Shut up just shut up"..


Another victim rests on top of a Sandrail vehicle to the left, 


A female settler wearing a pink outfit rests on top of the roof of a black truck, Another settler is stuffed down the back of the bars attached to the bonnet..Wez and The Golden Youth are also paying a visit..


The camera pans right, 

The settler to the left continues to shout out loudly over the top of the engine noises..


Sadly this victim is a fresh kill from this morning, she was in one of the vehicles that came out of the compound earlier..


The paraplegic mechanic swings right as he views the mayhem from over the walls of the compound. A settler appears from the left with a bow and arrow, she stands on top of the Number 7 oil tanker. Max and Curmudgeon continue to watch the show, Pappagallo watches from the right..


The vehicles continue to approach the compound undetered, Flags sway in the wind above the tied up settlers.. 


Suddenly The Lord Humungus stops his vehicle as he pulls back on a gear lever using his left hand..Wez stops as he places his left foot down to the sandy floor, The rest of the vehicles stop this is the end of the line..


Max Curmudgeon, the mechanic and Pappagallo continue to watch and listen, this could be an important meeting.. Curmudgeon ducks slightly then raises back up as he stands behind a set of large tires..


The feathers on Wez's shoulder bristle in the cool breeze, Wez gets off his motorbike, Wez does not lose eye contact with the settlers, The Golden Youth also stands to the ground from the bike...Revving of engines is heard - More marauders exit there vehicles.. A yellow light flashes above the settler in pink.


The camera pans into Wez who stares over towards Max and the others..The Golden Youth steps behind Wez..Wez stares and stares in silence..


Max also stares back as he waits for the core of the visit.


The Toadie shakes his left hand back behind him to signal that the engines should be cut..


All goes quiet, Pappagallo continues to watch from his viewpoint..Pigs and chickens wander around below, A strong wind blows, Several marauders get out of there vehicles.. Max can be seen in the distance..


A bandit steps out of his sandrail vehicle  left leg first, he holds some arrows and a bow in his left hand. Two marauders get out of a Sandrail vehicle in the distance, A marauder gets off from his bike.


A marauder steps forward a few steps, He has red hair and wears black goggles.


A female marauder who wears a black eye patch stands up from behind a male gang member..She points a small crossbow in her right hand directly in front of her..


This group of marauders are motionless.. The Toadie begins his speech, "Toadie shouts loudly, "Greetings from the Humungus." (First vehicle is called The Lone Wolf)


Toadie continues, "The Lord Humungus", "The Warrior of the Wasteland!."


The Toadie turns and looks over to Lord Humungus before looking to his other side and then back towards the compound, The Toadie shouts loudly, "The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Roll-ah!" The Toadie swings his right arm back and towards Lord Humungus as he emphazises his words.. The Lord Humungus stands up inside his vehicle as he prepares for a speech..


The camera pans up to The Lord Humungus who has a microphone in his right hand, (LH) raises the mike to his mouth, LH speaks with a deep and grim tone of voice, (No sound score) Wind is heard - "I am gravely disappointed, "Again you have made me unleash my dog's of war."


The Toadie points his right hand towards The Lord Humungus to emphazise how great and powerful he is, From a distance the feral kid appears from out of a hole, The feral kid carries his sharp and deadly boomerang in his right hand..The feral kid is spying on the marauders and is keeping a low profile so as to be undetected.. Wez looks to Lord Humungus then back to the compound.


The Lord Humungus continues, "Look at what remains of your gallant scouts". The settler tied to the right meat hook (Defiant Victim) begins to moan and groan loudly as he shouts out with a mouth full of blood, "No" "Give them nothing!" "Kill him now".. "Why you got the chance."The victim has become an anoyance and his moaning is only making matters much worse..


Lord Humungus continues, "Why?, Because your selfish, The Toadie quickly runs over to the deviant settler and places his hands over his mouth in an attempt to shut him up..


This only escalates matters as the settler becomes much more of a nuisance..


(LH) speaks, "You hoard your gasoline" - The settler groans loudly..


LH continues, "You will not listen to reason." Valient settler shouts out again, "Don't let them do it!"


The Toadie has become much more irate as he thumps the valient settler in the stomach as hard as he can.. (A loud thud is heard followed by a heavy uhh from the settler as all his air is knocked out of him. The settler collapses as his head drops becoming unconcious..


The feral kid still hides in the hole as he pops his head up with his boomerang in hand..The feral kid shakes the boomerang up and down as he watches Lord humungus.. The boys hair flaps in the wind.. (LH) continues, Now, my prisoners say..


(LH) continues, "You plan to take your gasoline out of the wasteland.."


The Toadie stands in between the two settlers as he begins to stroke the valient victims head with his hand, The Toadie somehow feels a little sorry for him..The Toadie raises his other hand and begins to caress his head after a flash of the guilty conscience hits him..Toadie does not want the settler to start shouting again as the Lord Humungus must say what he needs to without interuption..


(LH) "You sent them out this morning to find a vehicle...'A Rig big enough to haul that FAT tank of Gas..." A grey smoke rises from inside the compound, A green piece of fabric sways in the wind that is attached to LH vehicle.. The Humungus' "malevolence courses through his huge pectorals, pulses visibly under his bald, sutured scalp", and his face is never seen, as he wears a hockey goalie's mask. Hairs flap from the burnt scalp of LH.


(LH) "What a puny plan!" The Toadie begins to pat the right shoulder of the other victim (Broken) Toadie stops as he turns slightly back to face the compound.. The white scarf of the victim sways in the breeze, LH continues, "Look around you!" The Toadie quickly places his index fingers to his forehead.. Wez suddenly turns his body left as he aims his spear gun at something in the distance.. A scraping of earth is heard as Wez moves at speed..


Wez spots a fleeing hare in the distance which he aims his spear gun at.. Wez raises his right arm as the hare comes into view.. A pinging sound is heard as Wez fires a spear from his weapon. 


A high pitched whipping sound is heard as the spear penetrates the hare's torso.. The hare somersaults at speed into the air and around and around from the force of the spear..The hare cries as it dies on the spot unable to recover from it's wound. I don't know if this is the hare from the compound or maybe another, Wez is a very cruel individual..


Wez is elated that he has killed the hare, Wez stands up straight to face the compound once more..The black feathers on Wez's shoulders flap in the wind.. LH continues, "This is the valley of death".


The Toadie begins to shout as he points his index finger over towards the hare that has just been killed, Toadie shouts, "See!....The Toadie runs off in the direction of Wez and the dead hare.. He wants to proove a point to the settlers.


Toadie continues as he runs left across the wasteland, "Nothing can escape!" The Toadie stops in his tracks as he shouts out, "The Humungus rules the wasteland!" The red arrow points to The Toadie..


The settler tied to a meat hook who was punched in the stomach a few moments ago suddenly comes back to life, (Raises head up) The defiant victim refuses to shut up as he shouts out, "Give them nothing!" The other settler tied to the other meat hook (Broken) looks at Defiant in silence.


The defiant settler shouts again, (Blow it up) referring to the oil tanker..All this constant shouting has now alerted Wez who has become rather angry with the noisy settler..Wez begins to run up to the noisy settler..Toadie turns to watch the commotion, The feral kid continues to observe.. 


The settler attempts to shout out some more, "Give them not..his words are cut short as Wez head butts the noisy settler with a heavy and blunt whack of his forehead.


A loud thud of skulls and bones is heard as Wez delivers the goods. (Wez grunts with delight) The noisy settler instantly becomes concussed as his eyes shoot upwards and his head becomes a jelly mess. The settlers head immediately drops down having been zapped of all energy. (Laughing is heard from a distance)


The feral kid has witnessed quite a lot and is upset after watching Wez kill his hare.. If animal was from the compound it was the feral kids friend.. The feral kid quickly rises out from the hole he was hiding in.


Wez has a face of a lunatic as he steps down from the truck satisfied he has taken good care of the irritating settler..The Lord Humungus continues, "Humungus will not be defied"..


Suddenly the Feral Kid makes his move as he runs towards Wez and the (LH) at high speed with his boomerang poised to be released..


The Feral kid grunts as he throws the deadly sharp boomerang as hard as he can towards the marauder gang.. (LH) turns towards the boy and can now see him clearly from a distance. The boomerang launches high into the air as it produces a high pitched whipping sound..


Wez turns to face the boy and quickly spots the boomerang coming over and directly at him,,Wez immediately ducks down to avoid a certain death as the boomerang continues it's journey over the head of the nasty scavenger..Three marauders wearing black studded attire watch the scene unfold with slight amusement..


Three marauders watch the boomerang with a sense of entertainment..


A high pitched whistling sound infused with a whipping sound of fast moving air is heard as the boomerang spins around at a super fast speed of turns..The boomerang has a lot of energy as it flies high in the blue sky of the day..(But what goes up must come down.."


All is quiet and there is no sound score, Wez does not seem amused as he slowly turns his body around while listening to the whistling sound.. The sound of wind is also heard, The boomerang continues to evade all as it maintains height and speed.


Suddenly the boomerang loses momentum as it begins to fall from the sky, The Feral kid must be a master as he stands waiting for the sharp weapon to return to him..


The Feral kid begins to rapidly step backwards as he attempts to catch the boomerang from the sky, Suddenly the feral kid raises his left hand as he turns his head slightly catching the fast moving object. The feral kid wears a special reinforced metal mail glove so that he does not get cut when catching the item..A loud sound of metal is heard as the kid catches the boomerang.


Wez grimaces as the camera pans into his angry demeaner.. 


The Feral kid is only playing as he goes in for another throw, The feral kid runs forward at speed before releasing the boomerang, The feral kid grunts loudly as he uses all his energy and strength to throw the projectile towards Wez once more..


The Feral kid has thrown a low shot as the boomerang glides at speed towards it's target. Wez ducks for the second time avoiding death by a thin line, unfortunately The Golden Boy is not so lucky and is not concentrating on the boomerang..


Loud trumpets bleat to provide atmosphere, The Golden Youth quickly drops to the floor having been hit in the temple with the sharp bladed boomerang..A loud thud is heard as the Golden Youth hits the deck like a sack of potatoes. The boomerag has penetrated his skull and brain and he has died instantly with no chance of revival..


The feathers of Wez flap wildly in the breeze, Wez turns to face his lover "The Golden Youth" and is completely taken back shocked even by the sight of the dead man..


Wez's eyes open wide as evil energy begins to fill his veins and brain, Wez runs over to his lover and quickly bends down over him..


Wez carefully checks the Golden Youth for signs of life but all is futile, Anger is building by every second as he looks down at his dead boyfriend..


Wez slowy turns and stares over at the Feral Kid, Wez wants revenge and killing a boy is all worth it.. Drums and fast violin composition is heard


The feral kid stands motionless as he looks at Wez, The feral kid touches his mail glove with his right hand for a short moment.


(LH) shouts out to Wez, "Wez....""Wez, Listen to me!"
Wez has blown a fuse as he stands up from the dead body of the youth while collecting the now bloodied boomerang in his right hand..Wez screams with anger as he runs forward towards the feral kid with boomerang ready.. Wez screams at the top of his lungs as he throws the boomerang into the direction of the feral kid. Wez's right hand raises vertical as he explodes with anger and evil energy.


The feral kid keeps his eyes on the boomerang as he quickly ducks, 


The feral kid quickly stands up and turns around anti clockwise as he continues to watch the boomerang travel in the air.. (Whipping whistling sound is heard) The Feral kid tunes a quarter clockwise as he continues to look up..


The boomerang spins at a very fast rate of turns and does not seem to want to come down..


Slowly the boomerang begins to lose momentum as it leaves the sky, The Toadie has his eyes transfixed on the dangerous weapon as he begins to runs backwards, The Toadie shouts out loudly, "I got it" .."I got it!" as he attempts to retrieve the boomerang..


The boomerang has turned the meeting into a circus event as the marauders begin to laugh and chatter amongst themselves at the sudden entertainment value of the boomerang.. A male gang member shouts out loudly, "Go for it man", as he gives The Toadie some support..


The Lord Humungus turns his head as he watches The Toadie chase after the elusive boomerang. 


Male maruders members shout loudly, 'Oihh" Others laugh, "Hey hey hey".. Suddenly the Toadie jumps up while raising his right hand, 


Loud whipping and whistling of the boomerang is heard - To the Toadies disappointment things have not gone to plan, The Toadie did not factor the damage the sharp edge of the boomerang would do. The Toadie's fingers are rapidly severed like carrots on a chopping board. The Toadies fingers explode into the air before dispersing onto the dusty floor below.


The Toadie continues to run but has now realized he has lost all five fingers on his right hand in spectacular fasion.. The marauder gang burst out into raptuous laughter after witnessing The Toadie lose his fingers.. 


A marauder stood by his vehicle finds the situation hilarious as he slaps his right leg with his right hand while turning anti clockwise towards his car. The marauder then bangs the roof of his vehicle unable to control the hilarious situation.. The marauder sat behind with a spear gun raises his right hand before banging onto the side of te spear gun to acknowledge his enjoyment..


The feral kid is super excited having killed The Golden Youth and injuring the Toadie, That is two less enemy to fight.. The feral kid grunts with satisfaction as he completes a 360 degree backflip into the air before landing down inside his hole..


The feral kid screams with delight as he quickly disappears back down the secret hole into the ground.. Climbing through holes in the ground is certainly a very dangerous activity as the sand could collapse suffocating the person..(Loud laughing continues, The Toadie has made the day much better for some..


The Toadie stands motionless as he slowly turns anti clockwise in extreme pain, The Toadie holds his injured hand with his left as he suffers major shock and humiliation..


A gang member shouts out, "Nice one" in celebration, Other members laugh loudly with intense and uncontrollable intensity.. Two marauders stood to the back next to a Sandrail vehicle and a motorbike crease up with laughter.. The Toadie drops to his knees and is in no mood to celebrate with the marauder gang.. The Toadie is silent as he looks down at the floor with an open mouth..


A marauder with a pink style punk hair cut turns to face his girlfriend anti clockwise as he and she laugh and enjoy the moment..Two gang members wearing black leather bat type suits with studs chuckle to themselves..


More gang members crease up and find it hard to control there laughter.. A marauder to the left holding an axe type weapon bends and contorts his body from the extremely funny accident.. Another marauder stood to the far left next to a red painted sandrail vehicle bends his body against the vehicle while bending down, The marauder suddenly loses control as he crashes his body into the side of the vehicle causing it to shake slightly..(The Lord Humungus does not appreciate the laughter as he begins to shout loudly with anger, Quiet, Much louder, "QUIET!," "No more games!"


The Toadie raises his head slowly and looks to his left and over towards the Lord Humungus, His face shows terrible pain and his ego and character has been damaged. The Lord Humungus shouts loudly again, "No more games!"


The Lord Humungus continues, "We are here for a purpose!" Drums and trumpet notes are now heard to provide atmosphere..Wez's black feathers on his shoulders flap in the wind - Wez is bent down next to The Golden Youth as he displays feelings of guilt, contrition, and deep regret having lost his companion to a child.. Wez begins to turn his head around as he looks back and over towards the compound after now feeling a burning raging desire to carry out his revenge, The Lord Humungus continues, "We come with an offer!" Wez's eyes open wide as hate fills his heart.. Wez begins to growl like a wild animal similar to a bear or a large predator, Wez slowly stands as he shouts out with a demonic tone of voice, "No" His word is elongated and stretched as his anger takes over..


Max, Pappagallo, Curmudgeon, the mechanic and others continue to watch the show with blank faces from the relative safety of the compound..


No sound score - Wind is heard - Wez screams out loudly with impatience, "No more talk!" Wez stands to his feet shouts out "We go in!" Wez rapidly outstretches his right hand towards the compound with anger as he shouts out again, "We Kill!"


Wez quickly turns anti clockwise and away from the compound as he begins to make his way over to The Lord Humungus.. "Well kill kill kill them!" Wez jumps up onto the The Lord Humungus's vehicle and into the arms of the leader. Wez has a strong urge to debate with his leader as he twists around clockwise just in front of the (LH). Wez wants to take over and thinks his way is better, Wez struggles with the Lord Humungus as he groans and shouts out with a distorted anger, "We Kill them" Wez shuts his eyes tightly as he looks up while being controlled by the superior leader, Wez continues, "Well kill them"..Wez's arms flap around violently as (LH) squeezes Wez from behind using both of his strong and muscular arms. 


Cymbals crash, Violins are heard and fast repeating notes - Wez contorts and grimaces as Lord Humungus grips Wez and moves him from side to side in an attempt to reduce his anger. LH slowly squeezes Wez and is pushing all the air from his lungs with his arms.. Wez continues as he is controlled by (LH), "We kill them, groans, Kill kill.." Wez continues to be shaken and violently lifted from left to right as the Lord Humungus decreases the immense vexation coursing through his veins..


Max is speechless as he turns his head towards the Warrior woman,   


The warrior woman looks to Max in silence as she maintains her position on the flame thrower weapon protecting the gate.. Her hair flaps in the cool wind..Fast trumpet notes are heard - Wez continues to groan with hate, "Kill them,, kill them" Wez has blown a fuse and wants to finish the take over of the compound immediately.. Humungus shouts out, "Do you see him?"..


Zetta looks over towards the Warrior Woman, A flapping sound of heat and flame is heard from the flame thrower unit.. Zetta nods down once to aknowledge the Warrior Womans presence before looking back towards the Lord Humungus..(Wez continues to scream his war cries)


Wez stares into the void as he grimaces, Wez shouts with extra effort and strain, "Kill..."Kill"..Wez grunts as The Lord Humungus begins to tightly squeeze Wez with powerful inward motions of his arms..More and more air is now leaving Wez and he won't be able to continue the fight for much longer..


(LH) twists right as he continues to throttle Wez into submission, LH pushes Wez's head down as Wez mumbles and splutters, (LH) speaks with an evil tone of voice, "Be still my Dog of war!"


The (LH) hair strands flap in the breeze, (LH) speaks again, "I understand your pain".. hesitates, "We all lost someone we love"..Large veins to the left of (LH) expand then contract from his burnt scalp as the blood pulses..


(LH) continues to apply intense pressure onto Wez as he squeezes every last drop of air from his lungs and body..)LH) continues, "But we do it my way." Wez groans as he is slowly strangled.. Wez speaks out again with a rough tone of voice, "Loser...Losers wait"> (LH) continues to carry Wez from left to right as he subdues the angry man.. (LH) speaks again slightly softer and a little slower, "But we do it my way", (LH) is committed to the plan and won't allow Wez to attack..


The Lord Humungus suddenly lifts up the torso of Wez with speed and power, Wez winces as more air is expelled from his lungs, (LH) speaks again, "There fear is our ally" Wez grimaces and closes his eyes for a moment in time. Wez reopens his eyes much wider this time as he is throttled by LH.. wEZ GROANS.. Wez's head flops right as he becomes unconscious after being severly throttled by (LH) (LH) speaks again, "The gasoline will be ours." (LH) continues, "Then you shall have your revenge." Blood rushes to Wez's head as he continues to suffer, (The LH) is dedicated and will severly punish Wez for breaking code and trying to take over the situation..Wez stares into outer space as he attempts to stay conscious..


The (LH) squeezes in once again with a tremendous power, Wez takes his last breath as a loud crunch is heard from the tremendous pressure (LH) has exerted onto WEz for a second time....A loud uhh is heard as (LH) maintains the squeeze - Low level continuous synthesizer note is heard - Wez is now out for the count and will not disrupt the preceeding any furthur, (LH) looks to his left and out over the wasteland as he shouts out, "Take him away!". A marauder standing a few feet away immediately springs to action, (LH) looks down at Wez for a short moment before releasing his arms to allow a maruder to relieve him of the inferior dog of war..


A scrunching of fast moving feet is heard as a marauder wearing an animal mask comes around from the right to assist with the removal of Wez.. Marauders stare at (LH) in silence, A marauder to the left wearing a black outfit and mask suddenly turns to face marauders behind him, A female marauder quickly takes several steps forward - 


The marauder with an animal mask quickly raises up his arms to collect Wez from Lord Humungus's vehicle..Wez gasps for air as (LH) pushes his unconcious body forward, Wez flops over the shoulders of the marauder.


A tinny scratching sound of metal is heard - The marauder turns and quickly carries the body of Wez away..Wez groans some more but is unable to do anything..The marauder carries Wez around the front of (LH) vehicle to another vehicle just in front. A marauder stands next to a vehicle hidden by (LH) truck..(Wind is heard - No chatter or noise is heard - Marauders are motionless..


(LH) sits back into the seat of his 6 wheeled vehicle... LH has not finished and still wants to communicate his demands to the settlers..LH sways his head right as he ducks slightly while adjusting back to his seating position.. (Wind is heard - No sound score exists..LH lifts his head back up as he addresses the compound, (LH breathes loudly) Takes a breath raises his mike to his mouth.. Blinks - Begins to speak, "There has been too much violence...."Too much pain.." (Blinks)


The Lord Humungus continues, "None here are without sin.." Pappagallo's clothes flap in the wind.. LH continues, "But I have an honorable compromise".. Red oil pump continues to drill..


(LH) raise his head up and down slightly as he shouts out, "Just walk away".. (A small piece of black leather flaps to the left of LH - LH continues, "Give me the pump".. (Blinks) Wind whistles..


Max watches from a distance motionless and silent, The marauders are completly silent and motionless also.. (LH) speaks again, "The Oil".. "The Gasoline".. LH voice is slightly distant from the compounds perspective..


(Synthesizer effect is heard - LH breathes in rapidly as he speaks again, "and the whole compound, (Blinks twice) Nods slightly "And I spare your lives."


The Quiet Man and Big Rebecca can now be seen as they watch the show, An Orange flame flaps from the turret of a flame thrower to the right of screen.. LH continues, "Just walk away".. I will give you safe passage in the wasteland." Clothes flap out from the broken victim tied to LH vehicle, Rags flap from the LH vehicle above the two victims.. A maruder to the left of screen is seen communicating with a marauder sat on a motorbike..


LH continues, "Just walk away".."And there will be an end to the horror."


LH twists his head right as he places his microphone down, A loud sound of the engine starting is now heard from the Humungus's truck...LH blinks as he slowly bends his head back..


From the middle of the screen a marauder can be seen instantly running forward to the corpse of The Golden Youth who was killed earlier on by the Feral kid..He quickly bends down and picks up the arms of the dead youth before sliding his body across the sand to a suitable vehicle.. A bike begins to accelerate as it slowly turns in a clockwise motion..The Toadie stands up from his knelt position and runs across to the middle of the screen from the left. Bikes to the left and several cars in the middle begin to move off. (LH) shouts out again as he slowly moves off moving in a circular anti clockwise motion.. "I await your answer".. "You have one full day to decide.." More engines start and a loud rumbling is heard..


Max Rockatansky continues to watch in silence..


A marauder wearing a black suit quickly rushes pass the screen travelling to the right, Wez has been placed into a side car and the marauder that collected Wez from LH sits behind him..Wez moves his head left then back as he lifts up slightly while grimacing. Wez lowers his torso and looks to his left and down with a face of torment..Biker attached to side car lifts his right leg up to the pedal. Wez quickly looks back up before disappearing to the right and off screen. The Toadie runs onto screen then stops in his tracks, The Toadie turns around anti clockwise and looks slightly to his left for a short few seconds. The Toadie continues to turn anti clockwise as he looks between two vehicles coming forward behind him.


Bikes come forward, a modified police car has red flashing lights from inside. A bike passes at speed from the right travelling out of the compound, it passes Wez at speed on the right..


Toadie stops as a Ford F-100 appears, A Ford F-100 vehicle with a snake artwork on the side stops as a marauder carries the dead body of the Golden Youth back to it..


The marauder turns his head as he pulls the dead body with both arms.

A pink De Soto Firesweep and a vehicle behind drive forward, (Engines rumble) 

A female gang member with blonde hair jumps up and down several times as she attempts to start her motor bike which has stalled from the side of the Ford F-100. The 1956 Ford F-100 offered a V6 and V8 engine option, There was also a 3-speed “Fordomatic” automatic transmission and a “four-on-the-floor” 4-speed manual transmission as options. Horsepower - 133 hp 223 cubic inch “Cost Clipper” V6 or 167 hp 272 cubic inch “Power King” V8, Fuel Tank Capacity 17 gallons.
..The marauder pulls the golden youth quickly away from the front of the approaching Ford F-100 turning in an anti clockwise circular motion. The marauder speeds up his leg work as he looks over at the trucks boot. A large silver custom vehicle turns clockwise to the left..(Lone Wolf) A bike also turns clockwise.. Ford F100 driver Looks to the marauder collecting body of the golden youth for a split second, Looks down applies break changes gear to neutral.


Max looks at Curmudgeon for a split second, Curmudgeon looks to his right for a few seconds then looks to Max who is still silent and motionless. Curmudgeon looks to his left then quickly back to Max before looking right turning and transfering his bow and arrow from his right hand to his left. The mechanic looks at Curmudgeon fleetingly for a few seconds, Curmudgeon raises his right hand slightly as he looks down before stepping down some steps and disappearing from view.. (Deep rumble of vehicles is heard) Curmudgeon seems unimpressed and does not want to watch anymore of the abysmal display of false hopes and lies..


Vehicles are beginning to dissolve at high speed, The pink De Soto Fire sweep turns anti clockwise in a circular motion at speed, A vehicle just behind also does the same maneuver..The majority of motor bikes, trucks and cars are now travellin forward and away from the compound..The marauder who has just places the golden youth into the back of the red truck with snake art work runs up and jumps into the back of the truck, He stands up while holding onto some rails..The driver immediately takes off travelling in a circular clockwise motion. A marauder sits to the right and the golden youth has been laid down to the left of the trucks boot..Large amounts of sand and dust trail and obscure the escaping vehicles.. To the left of screen a sandrail turns clockwise and another travels up from the bottom of the screen. Another biker to the left of screen jumps up and down on his stalled bike in an attempt to start the engine..


The Ford F-100 quickly drives away bringing up large amounts of sand, The quiet man and (Big Rebecca continue to watch) 


The Quiet Man shakes as he begins to shout out very loudly at the dispersing marauder gang, "We'll never walk away!".. The distressed shouting of the quiet man causes Big REbecca to rapidly turn her head towards the distressed settler.. BR places her bow down with her left hand.


The quiet man quickly raises his bow and pulls back on an arrow in a futile attempt to kill one of the gang members.. The Quiet man grimaces as he slobbers at the mouth with saliva, BR grabs hold of the quiet mans outstretched left hand which causes the arrow to be released. A loud snapping sound is heard as the arrow fires off and over the walls of the compound.. BR is destraught and attempts to calm the quiet man down..


The quiet man contorts his face as he shouts with anger, 'Never!".. The quiet man steps back as his body stiffens with an inbuilt hatred for the marauder gang and (LH). The Quiet Man sways from side to side as BR speaks some indefensible words..BR looks over into the compound before leaving the quiet man to his own devices. The quiet man steps forward slowly as he continues to watch the gang members vehicles leave the vicinity of the compound. The quiet man blinks rapidly several times and has become silent once more - Deep rumbling continues, (No sound score)


The last of LH gang members are seen driving away as a large plume of smoke lingers..,The feral kids bloodied boomerang lays unattended and discarded having the blood of the golden youth around it's triangle shaped interior. ,


Suddenly the feral kid appears and takes back his boomerang weapon using his right hand. A metallic sound of friction is heard as the feral kid removes the boomerang from the wasteland.. The feral kid quickly backs away and out of view.. The biker  (Far Left) mentioned earlier continues to attempt to start his bikes engine with up and down jumps..


Max sways gently as he continues to watch the last of the dangerous gang leave the compound, Suddenly Max steps back and climbs down from his position..(Rumbling continues - No sound score..


A dust storm has now been produced as the marauder gang make there way back to there living quarters several miles from the settlers compound..The rumbling of engines continues, Flashing yellow lights emit from several vehicles to the right of screen.


Big Rebecca a founding member of the settlers community suddenly appears from the top of the yellow school bus, (Tapping of the tin roof is heard by BR) BR shouts loudly, "You heard what he said!" referring to the Lord Humungus.. BR rests on her hands as she continues, "It sounds reasonable"..


Pappagallo is still stood on the high metal gangway and is motionless, A settler second from right takes a slow step forward towards Pappagallo then faces towards BR again. A settler to the right takes a slow step forward.. BR continues, "We don't have to die."


BR has stood up as she shakes rapidly to express her words, "All we have to do is walk away." BR turns her head behind her and shakes out her left hand as she expresses the word "Walk" WW slowly caresses the flame thrower weapon using her right hand as she looks over to BR. Zetta glimpses the marauder gang leaving for a short second before looing back to Pappagallo. (Moves left leg slightly)


A female settler shouts out, "No, We've worked too hard." Wires above Pappagallo shake gently in the breeze.. BR continues, "It's simple"..


The rumbling of engines has now faded away - No sound score - A sound of light wind is heard - BR continues, "All we do is change the fuel." Max strains his face as he attempts to free himself from the handcuffs WW locked him in earlier on..Max has discovered a lockpick that he must of had hidden on him, Max applies pressure as he wiggles the lock inside the handcuffs. A red rag attached to Max's right elbow flaps in the wind..


Max grimaces some more as his lips tighten, suddenly Pressure is released as Max slowly turns his hand clockwise a quarter turn, Max lowers his hand as the handcuff opens releasing his wrist..Max lifts his hand up that was handcuffed to his face before quickly lowering it again. Max uses his other hand (left to drop the handcuffs, they quickly slide down the pipe and out of view. Max holds onto the bobby pin that has released him.. BR continues, "And this junkyard for our lives." Metal sound is heard as the handcuffs slide down the pole..


Zetta has come forward slightly as he begins to shout out to the others in the yard, (Zetta looks away from BR and into yard) "Look, (Zetta outstretches his left hand to emphasize his words) (Zetta points his outstretched hand behind him as he points into the wasteland.) if we walk out there, They'll slaughter us," (The quiet man appears from behind the bus on his knees) (The quiet man stands up using his right hand for support, he produces a tinny sound from the roof) Zetta Shakes his fist that was behind his back once to emphazise his words) (WW walks forward and away from the flame thrower, looks over to Zetta and BR) (WW slides her right hand down her right side slowly, takes small step forward on her right foot) Zetta is angry and full of energy. Zetta continues, "They'll set us loose, (Zetta rapidly looks right for a fleeting moment as he attempts to get his words out to everyone in the compound) Zetta shouts even louder with anger, (Zetta side steps on his left leg slides his other leg closer) (Zetta nods forward rapidly as he shouts "And then cut us down like pigs."'


BR looks at Zetta as he speaks, steps right, looks out to compound, Looks back to Zetta, BR raises both her hands up simultaneously as she clenches her fists and brings her hands back down just below her chin with a rapid movement, BR shouts loudly, "Don't listen to them." referring to Lord Humungus..


Curmudgeon appears carrying a metal cannister in his left hand.. Curmudgeon could be consider a little eccentric and also a little naive, Curmudgeon carries a samurai sword and he may of obtained this when he fought in Japan during the war.. Curmudgeon has several medals attached to his jacket - On April 1st, 1945, the United States invaded the Japanese island of Okinawa. This was the last major battle of World War II. It was a costly victory. More than 50,000 Allies were killed or wounded. Curmudgeon speaks as he walks under a tent covering and past a wooden table, "Alright Alright", "This is it".. "I'll talk to this Humungus".. The Captain's girl runs behind Curmudgeon carrying her pet dog, a blanket and a plate amongst other items. The Captain's girl looks down and to her right for a fleeting moment, (Looks down again) A tinny sound is heard - A grey smoke bellows from behind the Captain's girl..No sound score - 


BR suddenly steps right and across the bus as she makes her way off from the roof. WW takes a slow step right on her left leg, Slow step right on right leg.


A male settler is heard saying, "Bloody fool"..(A loud chattering from the settlers is heard) (CG) looks to her left, Looks forward and down as she continues to follow Curmudgeon.. Curmudgeon pushes past two settlers as he say's, "He's a reasonable man." A settler falls back and rests his back on the oil tanker as Curmudgeon pushes him as he passes..


More shouting and chatter from male and female settlers is heard - CG looks at the settler who fell back onto the tanker for a short moment, Curmudgeon stops by the yellow bus as he shouts out, "Open to negotiation".. A sliding sound of metal is heard as Curmudgeon pulls out his samurai sword from it's sheath. Curmudgeon looks up as he speaks and down as he throws his sword to the ground.. (Light tap sound is heard)


A crunching sound of feet is heard as BR walks forward after climbing down from the yellow school bus.. BR shouts loudly, "He promised us safe passage".. BR looks from left to right as she speaks out, (BR strikes right hand down as she emphazises her words, "He gave his word"..


Wind is heard - Pappagallo begins to speak from a distance, The sound causes CG, Curmudgeon, BR, to look around and up at there leader. A settler walks slowly past the three but does not look up.. Pappagallo shouts out, "And let us suppose he keep's it."


Chickens are heard clucking, (Pappagallo looks left to right) "And we walk away from here with our lives." Hesitates "What then?" Pappagallo gently sways forward and backwards from the steel gantry. A male settler shouts out, "Yeah!" in agreement..


A whistling wind is heard - Light sounds from the settlers in discussion is heard - The feral kid is just returning from outside of the compound. The feral kid does not speak any words but uses a set of grunts to communicate. The boy holds his boomerang weapon in his right hand as he places his left hand down onto the sand, The boy pushes up with his legs as he makes his way out of the dangerous hole and back to the safety of the compound.. 


Max is silent as he looks up and then down at something that has now caught his attention..Max holds his pick tool in his right hand, Max slowly moves his hand up and then down as a form of therapy while he listens to the settlers squabbling..


Suddenly the feral kid appears coming out of a small gap to the right of screen..Chicken cluck - A loud metal tap sound is heard as the boy places his mail glove against a metal beam that runs at an angle, Chicken runs past from the left, Boy takes step forward with right leg, Boy stops as he maintains his position between two metal strips..Boy looks up to Max in silence, (Boy blinks) Max continues to play with his bobby pin, Max turns his head slightly right as he continues to be enchanted by the boy's presence..Chatter is heard from a distance - The boy slowly steps out from between the metal strips while maintaining eye contact with Max..Scrunching of feet from the boy is heard - The boy is also intrigued with the stranger he has only just met.. Pappagallo is heard from a distance "The Northern way.."Think back into the dark ages"


Another sound of metal is heard as the boy takes his mail glove away from the metal girder and lowers his hand..Boy blinks as he turns away from MaX while raising the bloodied boomerang with his right hand. The boy lifts up the boomerang with his fingers as he evaluates the blood that has accumulated on the sharp edge..The boy begins to jerk the boomerang up and down several times, Turns it onto it's side, Jerks boomerang once more, Turns to Max as he demonstrates how to throw the weapon.. Lowers boomerang..Mail glove has a set of metal rings attached to the palm of the glove, There are also large white teeth similar to a large bear attached.. Pappagallo, "Done everyone."


Wind howls loudly, Max is silent as he stares at the unusual boy, Clinking of metal is heard - Max's eyes lower slightly as he builds a character reference on the feral child..


Max lifts his bobby pin up, A clinking of metal is heard as th eferal kid looks down while pushing his boomerang into the mail gloves palm for a few short seconds.. (The palm has a series of metal rivets that protect the user from serious harm) Max tucks the bobby pin under his palm using his fingers, Boy looks up to Max with slight fascination..Boy blinks boy sways his arms slightly, Boy becomes silent and motionless.


Guess....We build a tower".. A thousand fields.." Pappagallo continues to talk to his family of setters..Max continues to stare down at the boy and is now considering the harsh reality of his upbringing..Max turns his head slightly right and lowers his eyes, Max pulls away his right hand with bobby pin before placing it down to his right side, Tap of metal is heard - Max raises his left hand slightly as he places his right hand into his left side jacket..A scuffling of materials is heard - Max lifts up the jacket slightly using his left hand while retreiving something with his right..


Scrunch of leather is heard - Max shuts his eyes for a fleeting moment, Max leans forward slightly as he holds a small silver music box between his fingers..Max begins to wind the music box with his right hand index and thumb fingers.."Happy Birthday to you" begins to chime..

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Max Gifts Music Box to Feral Child Kid - Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior (1981) - 4K HD Scene


The feral kid is impressed with the magical music box as Max continues to wind it..The feral kid suddenly produces a wide smile of happiness as Max brings back a small part of his childhood..The child begins to grunt with excitement, 


Max looks down at the silver music box which he found earlier on the dead and mutilated truck driver..Max looks up and down to boy, (Boy grunts) Max continues to play the music box, 


The boy grunts as he maintains eye contact with the music box..Pappagallo can be heard in the distance.. Looks to Max fleetingly but is more interested in the box.


Max continues to entertain the boy..


The feral kid looks to Max and then back to the music box as he stands motionless..


Max suddenly stops on the last note before the end "Happy Birthday to you".. and pauses for a short few seconds....Max winds it again for a few short moments then stops..Max drops his left hand down, A female settler is heard shouting..Curmudgeon is also heard - 


Pappagallo is heard from a distance.."Alright Listen, I've made one mistake...One mistake." Curmudgeon is heard again..Max holds the music box in his right hand and is motionless. Max pretends to throw the music box to the boy but quickly brings his hand back after tricking him..Boy grunts as his arms rapidly close in at speed in an attempt to catch the music box but to no avail..


Max raises his right hand out again, this time however Max does release the music box, The box falls at speed into the hands of the feral kid..Boy closes his eyes for a split second as he holds his hands out in anticipation of the metal object..


A loud clink of metal on metal is heard as the boy catches the music box into his mail glove. Feral kid looks down at his new found item..Boy begins to investigate the mysterious device.


Max slowly brings his throwing hand back to a gentle stop against his chest as he watches the reaction of the young boy with his new toy.. Suddenly a distorted and out of time chime is heard as the boy attempts to wind the delicate machine..


The feral kid looks up to Max with a wide smile of happiness, Music box tings again which causes the boy to grunt loudly, Boy begins to grunt several times in quick succession as he begins to back away from Max, The boy is overwhelmed by the present and can't control his pleasure. Boy looks to Max as he runs off at high speed the same way he came in through the iron bars and back into the makeshift chicken coup. Boy continues to grunt in an uncontrollable way. Boy has amazed himself by making the box play.. Max watches as the feral kid disappears from view, Max suddenly widens his arms as he rests them down by his side, Max looks over to the settlers and Pappagallo, Max sways right..


Wind howls loudly - Pappagallo speaks, "But Remember". Pappagallo steps back slightly as he looks to his left while sticking out his left hand index finger.. Shakes index finger several times in quick sucession as he say's, "Remember one thing".. Pappagallo looks to the oil tanker.. "That is more" jerks index finger towards tanker - Than just a tanker of gas." Male settler is heard - 


The settlers stand motionless as they carefully listen to Pappagallo..


Pappagallo continues, Squints eyes fleetingly "That is our lifeline to a to a (Looks up to sky) place beyond that vermin on machines." (Raises hand out to emphasize his words) Looks back to the settlers.


Curmudgeon shouts up to Pappagallo with an angry tone of voice, "That's 2000 (Shakes hand out as he points his index finger into the air) miles from here!" Hesitates - Shouts even louder, (Shakes hand out furiously and points his index finger to his war medals) "How do you expect us to get it there?" Hesitates, (Shakes furiously shakes hand) "Drag it"..


Pappagallow responds, Pappagallo shouts back to Curmudgeon and the others, "If we have to yes.." (Leans back) (Shakes hands out) (Looks right)  "There's always a way." Looks back to the settlers..


Wind is heard - No sound score - Pappagallo continues with a slightly less tempered tone, "But the first step." (Steps back slightly) (Looks to tanker) (Sways left looks back to settlers, raises up index finger) (Shakes index finger several times) Looks right, Speaks with confidence "Defend the fuel."


BR is unimpressed as she speaks out and say's slowly, "Words!" (Chickens cluck) Hesitates - Shouts louder, "Just words!"


All is silent - Chickens cluck - Wind is heard - No sound score - No chatter- -Pappagallo stares down at BR and has become silent and motionless as he ponders his thoughts.. BR shouts out again, "You'd die for a pipe dream." White clouds drift past from the right.


WW begins to speak, "Wrong, We fight for a belief, I stay!" WW hair flaps gently in the breeze.. The Quiet man looks over to WW. QM blinks several times in rapid succession.


A fighter wearing a white protective outfit slides down the oil tanker from the right..He begins to walk forward towards the larger group of settlers..


Big Rebecca stares up at Pappagallo in silence..A clinking of metal is heard as the settlers begin to throw down weapons and tools into a pile on the dusty floor. Bow and arrows are common among the settlers..


Pappagallo looks to his right then his left, A strong breeze blows loudly, Captains Girl speaks, "I wish it could of worked Pappagallo..Settlers disagree with Pappagallo while others do agree.


CG speaks, "You can't expect to compete with that." Every day we get weaker while they get stronger, CG turns around momentarilly, "It's finished"..
I'm sorry..


Pappagallo is silent as he stares at his family of settlers. Pappagallo wants the best for his settler family but it is not easy to persuade them all to his plan..


Mad Max has been listening quietly to the conversation from a distance - Max whistles loudly to attract the attention of the settlers..


The settlers are silent as they all turn there head towards Max the man who lives outside in the wasteland.. Breeze blows loudly,


Camera pans in slowly, Max speaks, "Two days ago, I saw a vehicle that would haul that tanker..Max points his finger over to the tanker..You wanna get out of here...


Max brings his hands in to express his words as he say's, You talk to me..


Dramatic trumpets and drums are heard to provide the atmosphere - Some time has passed and it is now sundown, Chickens rummage the floor.. The feral kid and the mechanics wait outside..


A conference has been called and all the main members of the settler tribe come together to discuss Max's plan..They all stare in silence at the scavenger and have still not built enough trust in him, but time will tell..Max has already started negotiating, Max say's Okay now that is my offer...


Max speaks, "I deliver a rig big enough to haul that tanker of yours.." You give me back my vehicle and as much juice as I can carry..


Pappagallo rubs his finger between his lips as he listens to Max.. " A Warrior settler speaks to the far right, "We lost eight good people this morning.." Warrior rubs his sword with his hand, Pappagallo looks to the male warrior for some kind of consolidation..


Max looks down in silence as he waits for an answer.. The warrior speaks, "What's he got in mind?"


Mad max, "Now to do the job I need 5 gallons of diesel..And some high octane gasoline..


Warrior male leans forward, Think of it as a down payment Max say's..Warrior woman leans to Warrior male and say's "And that's the last we ever see of him..Curmudgeon looks to Pappagallow as he speaks , "He has to come back for his wheels"..Big Rebecca speaks, "What have we got to lose.." Pappagallow closes his hands together.. Max looks to Pappagallow waiting for an answer.. Pappagallow nods forward and say's, "You got yourself a deal.."

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